Monday, December 8, 2008

Phony Phone

Phony Phone

While in the shower
I hear my phone ringing
And cut my shower short
In case its important
Except that its not ringing
Apparently I imagined it

I'm in the car
And my phone vibrates
To notify me of an incoming call
Perhaps its something I should handle
So I risk life and limb
Digging it out of my pocket
Except that its not ringing
Apparently I imagined it

With the times I wake up
Out of a dead sleep
Because work must need something fixed
So I stumble out of bed
Tired as all can be
Except that its not ringing
Apparently I imagined it

I'm scared to think
How busy my life would be
If people called as much
As I imagine they do


Stephanie said...

Amazing comics this weekend, Aaron. Friday Saturday and Sunday were particularly good! :)

Melanie said...

:-( poor Aaron, the ringing oh god the ringing!!