Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cornfest Fail


At the summer Cornfest
Where all the circus folk gather
To take our money
In exchange for terrible prizes
We gave the CD toss game a shot
It was a simple enough game
Toss one music CD
Make it land on the stand
And you earn a new music CD
Otherwise you earn
Whatever CD that you tossed
All three of us were losers
I walked away with twenty tracks
Of elevator music
Katie with classical music
Half the tracks skipping
And my friend Todd
The greatest prize of all
A CD that wouldn't play
Until he put it in his computer
Where it then released a virus
And corrupted his homework files
I miss you, summer Cornfest


Katherine said...

really? I totally don't remember this... at all...

Aaron said...

Aw, I wish I still had my CD to prove it to you. A lot of bad cornfest memories. :D