Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cutthroat Gaming

Cutthroat Gaming

Over the years
Board games at our household
Has taken a sharp dip
Into dangerous territory
What use to be friendly banter
And congratulatory remarks
Has been corrupted into cynical quips
And offensive swearing
That would make a sailor blush
For good or for bad
For better or for worse
I just scored a racko, bitches


Dave said...

Holy shit, dude, I didn't think anyone I knew had even heard of Racko. Then I saw your drawing and was like, "is that supposed to be Racko?"


Stephanie said...

Oh my god, I totally played Racko with my family when I was a kid! This one was great. Definitely in the top 10.

Unknown said...

so proud of that statement.

by the way, mom just beat me 3 times consecutively.