Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time Marches On

Time Marches On

At 7:30 Am
The clock by my bed reads 7:50
To help create fear that I might be late
However my alarm clock
Which is a different clock
Reads 7:20
To offer an earlier wakeup call
Which is different from my car clock of 8:20
Due to the daylights savings issue I tried fixing
But never did
And the one on the wall seems to be doing its own thing
A magical clock that keeps time for a world
That has no time
Which leads me to the conclusion
That I'll always be way too early
Or way too late
To whatever event you invite me to
...I need another clock

1 comment:

Sy said...

OH MY GOSH, I DO THIS!!! I'm so not kidding! I have the alarm clock set late, and like, have the alarm go off early, and stuff! XDXD