Saturday, September 13, 2008

The cookie has been stomped

Stomp Cookie

Back in my hometown
My friend Katie and I played a game
Known as "Stomp Cookie"
Which consisted of throwing a cookie onto her parents yard
And stomping it as hard as you possibly could
While shouting out "Stomp Cookie!"
I never was too sure how many points I had
Or if I was close to winning
But it was a great way
to get rid of all those nasty cookies
With raisins in them


Sy said...

*puts finger over lips, thoughtfully* I love the realism of this piece. It's existential in a way that really speaks to the baked goods in all of us. The oil slick in the driveway clearly represents the dark side, the "rasins", the black hole into which we retreat when faced with stresses, and the girl stomps triumphantly to declare her rejection of that identity. Beautiful.

Katherine said...

No, we really just stomped cookies. I worked at a restaurant and if stuff was more than a week old we could have it for free and I got some pumpkin raisin cookies that were gross, so we stomped on them. :)
Growing up in a small town was boring
