Friday, October 3, 2008

Laser Beams - Guest Artist Day!

Guest Artist - Laser Beams
Picture day, 1990
For only four dollars more
I could get NEON laser beams
As my picture background
But my mom said no
That I would regret it when I was older
She was wrong
I still want them
I think this may have been the defining event
The one that separated the cool kids from the nerds
Now, if you will excuse me
I need to find a laser background
so I can photoshop my first grade picture onto it.
(Thanks Katie)


Dharmansible said...

So true.

Unknown said...

you do not know how many times I wanted those too! all my friends got them too...but mom always said no. i had to settle for the pictures in elementary school with stuffed animals in them (because they gave them to you for free)