Saturday, June 6, 2009

Unfortunate Swimmer


I wanted to go to bed
So I just scribbled
And lo and behold
An arm appeared
Like something
That actually
Looked like an arm
Sweet, its now a swimmer
So I finished that up
But the grass I drew
Was much too close to him
For swimming
'He shouldnt be swimming
That close to shore' I mused
And now I feel bad
Because hes probably
Going to hit his head
But if I don't have the grass there
Then it looks like hes swimming
Out in sea
And that would be dangerous
Especially since
It doesn't look
Like he knows how to swim that well


Kezzy said...

Oh noes! Don't knock yourself out, Mr. Swimmer!

Sy said...

That is actually a really good arm/head/swimmer dude!