Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Dave: you don't just walk up and kill the dragon in one hit.
it takes a long time to wear him down,
and whoever lands the killing blow gets like 100 glory points.
but every time you hit him before that, you might get 5 points,
or you might spot a chest he's guarding,
steal it to gain 10 points, etc
me: so all the players are attacking him at the same time?
Dave: right, that's the original intent
me: I see
Dave: sorry if i didn't convey that
me: naw that makes more sense, you probably did
but I get wrapped up in what I see in my head
Dave: that's why i pictured like an arena where
everyone's watching the knights fight the dragon
but then that treasure chest example is a little broken
unless the contest organizers put it there or something strange
me: the dragons wing
HIDES A TREASURE CHEST.....attached to his foot
is a DAMSELL IN DISTRESS, good job
Dave: ROFL
lol i hate you
me: im just imagining this dragon,
clearly not wanting to be there,
affixed with busty women and jewels
to various parts of his body
before being released to attack the knights
Dave: hate you so much

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