Saturday, February 7, 2009


EPL 23

And much like any good story
The heroes decided to reclaim
The stolen wastebasket
By heading south
Which is a fantastic direction
To go
If you don't know where else to go
When they came upon a forest
And more importantly a bridge
That was guarded by domino blocks
With spears
'You cannot pass
Unless you solve our riddle'
Shouted 1 top 4 under
'So it is, so shall it be'
Shouted 2 top 3 under
Shouted 6 top 1 under
Who was much too top heavy
And was pretty much scorned
And hated
By the rest of the domino community
Who wants to hang out
With a 6 top 1 bottom?
'Tell me the riddle' said Barry

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